Public Relations (PR) is pretty self explanatory when you think about it, right?

It is the relationship you have with the public. The confusing part is how many elements are involved in PR.

A common misconception is that PR and publicity are the same thing… (we will go deeper into this in another article)… but publicity is just one element of Public Relations.

Public Relations is everything your brand says and does. I mean when you think about it, everything a brand says and does has an effect on your perception of that brand, doesn’t it? PR is about telling a person or brands story strategically through earned, organic and unpaid communications, including traditional media (newspaper, print magazines, TV, radio), digital media, social media, and in-person engagements. It’s about managing a positive image and relationship with the general public and your direct audience. As you can imagine managing a positive image takes a lot of strategic thinking and planning, involving many elements and a can take a lot of time.

Public Relation professionals (cough, cough… us) are all about creating exciting and engaging content and experiences that communicate your brand in a positive light. This can include; media & influencer relations, product placement, events, partnerships, social media and content creation.

The other side of PR is about damage control, known as crisis management. Crisis management is… you guest it, managing your brands reputation during all stages of a crisis. In this case, it is the Public Relations professionals responsibility to address the crisis and develop a strategy to over come any negative connotations to your brand.

Why is PR important…

Is your image and reputation important? The answer is a big YES. The purpose of Public Relations is to manage and strengthen your image and reputation, so yeah its pretty important.

Through PR you can build trust and authority, grow brand awareness and cultivate genuine connection between your audience and the general public.

It can save you money! Instead of spending thousands and thousands of money of paid advertising, you could be earning coverage or building relationships to create brand trust and credibility.

In this day and age people don’t like to be sold to. When they see you brand pop up on their social media news feed labeled as sponsored viewers note that they are being sold to. Where as, when an influencer or publication shares your brand, they already trust that influencer or publication and will value their opinion/recommendation of your brand.

Three actions you can implement now…

  1. Get crystal clear on who your audience is and where they are hanging out, virtually and in person.
  2. Develop a list of media outlets, influences etc. that are already speaking to your target audience.
  3. Create 3 article ideas to pitch and/or offer media/influencers opportunity to test your product.

We will be diving in deeper into the below Public Relation tactics in upcoming blog posts;

  • Press release writing & distributing
  • Article writing and blogging
  • Social media
  • Influencer relations
  • Partnership
  • Events
  • Content Creation
  • Gifting & sample management

Have a questions? or your ready to up level your PR? email we would love to hear from you ?

Keep up to date with us on instagram here @styletise_agency